TOMS Shoes – My Story

When things indelibly touch your heart you are forever changed. Recently, I had the opportunity to be introduced and educated on a wonderful charitable cause that provides shoes for children in developing countries. A for-profit business: the purpose of the movement is with every shoe purchased, a child will be given a pair of shoes in their size at no cost. ONE FOR ONE! This is such a beautiful project I wanted to share the magnitude of how this cause should continue to be supported. I absolutely adore anything that has to do with providing a service for those without the economical means and I feel like this should be shouted from the mountain tops.

TOMS Shoes

Image by tjstaab via Flickr

Last week when I was introduced to this movement by receiving the shoes as a gift from my organization I was emotionally moved. Not in a negative way by focusing on the state of why this movement was initiated, but with joy and humility by giving human beings. Just from the concept of the story and watching a brief 3 minute video, I had to compose myself in a room of nearly 100 peers to not have tears streaming down my face.  Our executive prefaced the video by sharing a portion of the story from his meeting with the CEO of TOMS shoes stating, “There was a mother in Argentina that had 3 boys who would go to school every third day because the young boys would share one pair of shoes so they could walk to school.” How heartbreaking to hear that a child’s education was affected because they didn’t have shoes to walk to school? Also, imagine as siblings the shoes probably did not fit each child; however, with their own pair of shoes in their size the boys would be able to attend school every day together for the first time! It seems so simple, right?
There are children the world over that is living in poverty without shoes to cover their bare feet. They’re delicate feet are without the barrier of protection from blisters, sores and diseases. The idea of this cause came in 2006 from an entrepreneur by the name of Blake Mycoskie who was traveling to Argentina for vacation. On holiday to temporarily escape from his daily grind he noticed the national shoe in Argentina called alpargata, a soft canvas styled shoe that was worn throughout the country. In addition, while he was there towards the end of his vacation he met an American woman at a café volunteering at a shoe drive to provide shoes for kids without shoes. The epiphany of how he could do something about this after witnessing the poverty outside of a robust well-developed capital was to create a business model without having any knowledge about shoes. In short, TOMS (Tomorrow’s Shoes) is to provide a pair of shoes for a child in need for every pair of shoes sold. Despite the criticism through support of local Argentinian residents, family and friends the concept flourished and has been doing “something that matters” ever since.
In our existence we sometimes forget about individuals circumstances that are not present or visible. I know I’m personally guilty of taking for granted everything that I’m privileged to have at times. Living in a country that is heavily concerned with materialistic pursuits and overconsumption, I believe we are shielded by things as simple as a pair of shoes preventing a child from receiving an education. In addition, having the privilege to travel to other countries and actually see children walking around barefoot and living on a couple of dollars a day makes my heartache. So if I can contribute by any small token to give back in a way by what disposable income that I do have I continuously attempt to do so. It is now my personal goal to give a gift to a friend or family member a pair of TOMS shoes each year. I want to be a part of assisting over thousands of shoes each year being given to children in need. To wholeheartedly know a child will gain a pair of new shoes makes me rejoice.  The shoes are simple, practical and have a sturdy durability that makes them perfect for spring, summer and fall seasons. The shoes are also versatile to wear as slippers around the house or run errands on Saturday to get a cup of coffee – it is my personal hope to see more people in a pair of TOMS.

Earlier this year TOMS has also taken on providing an extension of their ‘One for One’ project by adding eyewear to their mission. This includes providing medical treatment, prescription eyeglasses or sight saving surgery!! Remarkable brand building!

My hope is to give an aspiration to do whatever you can in any fashion possible… as a true shoe guru this is my contribution to spread the encouragement. If you are interested in learning more about this movement or buying a pair of TOMS shoes, please visit their website at Although we can’t witness personally the mission in action behind this exceptional entrepreneur’s story, the message is phenomenal and encouraging.  Please review the video – it will truly make your heart swell when you see these kids receive their own pair of shoes in their size (or their first pair of shoes ever).

In harmony with this mission, I want to share in the support of this movement and encourage others to be devoted to something that personally inspires you.  I tear up every time I see the video and see the joy and happiness on a child’s face that have a pair of shoes slipped on their feet. How rewarding and uplifting to be a part of something that assist in a child’s health and education.

An added note, I took it a step further and received an extra copy our team had available of the book the story is based on titled, “Start Something That Matters,” (Spiegel & Grau, New York, 2011). Yes, when I have a passion for something I show full support! I hope you can do the same. I just received my leopard print wedges in the mail yesterday!




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